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Stock status: in stock
Delivery: Free shipping within the US

The Echo Ultimate Machine™ is the only machine in the world that can make four different types of water: filtered, hydrogen, alkaline, and acid water.

Pick the water that works best for you:

  • Filtered water: Designed to be used when you do not need hydrogen water nor a pH change but still want contaminant-free water. This can be used for cooking or other purposes.
  • Hydrogen water: This water has no pH change and has been shown to improve gut health, reduce inflammation, and lower oxidative stress.
  • Alkaline water: You can choose between four different pH levels, depending on the intended use for the alkaline water. This water can be used for cleaning vegetables or counters. The higher the pH, the better the cleaning properties. However, you should never drink alkaline water beyond a level 2.
  • Acid water: As a disinfectant, acid water eliminates bacteria and viruses from surfaces. It also helps with skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. The acid water also helps get rid of tonsil stones, gingivitis, and other mouth bacteria. It has also been proven to kill the bacteria associated with pink eye and even helps plants grow by lowering soil pH.

The Echo Ultimate Machine™:

  • Requires minimal machine maintenance
  • Enables you to clean your kitchen while keeping it chemical free
  • Has a stainless-steel design
  • Has a 7-inch color touch screen
  • Allows you to pick between 10 different language options
  • Adapts display icons depending on the language you select

The Echo Ultimate Machine™ can be installed either above or under the sink, according to your preference. 


The Echo Ultimate Machine™ is covered by a 5-year warranty.

Echo Ultimate Machine

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